
For adult groups, we offer dialogue-based tours with plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion. The history of the former synagogue and its community has many facets: religious-cultural, historical, social, and some that are still difficult to understand today. Is there a particular topic that interests you?

To get to know the building better, we suggest you take an informative tour of its history, its interior and its former congregation. When was it built, who designed it and who was it built for? What’s inside, what’s been preserved, what was lost and how have renovations changed it over the years?

Duration: approx. 60 minutes
Groups of up to 20 people: admission 5.00 EUR per person and 90.00 EUR tour flat fee
Groups of more than 20 people: 4.00 EUR admission and 4.50 EUR guided tour fee per person

For an appointment, email:

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