Tu, 10. September 2024 18:30

Buchpräsentation | Walter Manoschek

Walter Manoschek: Annihilated. Austrian Jews in the Ghettos of the Generalgouvernement 1941/42. Vienna: Czernin Verlag 2023

In cooperation with the Institute for Jewish History in Austria

Welcome and introduction: Martha Keil
About the book: Walter Manoschek
Letters from Kielce: Alois Stöckl

We kindly ask you to register at office@injoest.ac.at

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Over 9,000 Jews were deported to one of the 342 ghettos in the Polish General Government between February 1941 and May 1942 - little is known about their lives in the ghettos. Using personal letters and documents from the post-war trials, Walter Manoschek puts numerous pieces of the puzzle together to form a picture: He uncovers the cover-up policy of the National Socialists, investigates the fates of victims and names perpetrators. Numerous Jews from the IKG St. Pölten were also exterminated in these ghettos. Karl Weinstein from Markersdorf sent harrowing letters from the Kielce ghetto near Lublin to his former neighbor Amalie Brunner in St. Pölten. Alois Stöckl reads excerpts from them.

Walter Manoschek was an associate professor of political science at the University of Vienna. His research continues to focus on the Holocaust, National Socialism and the politics of the past. In addition to numerous publications, he was also a co-creator of the "Wehrmacht Exhibition". His documentary film "Then I am a murderer! Adolf Storms and the massacre of Jews in Deutsch-Schützen" was shown worldwide on TV and at film festivals.

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