Th, 8. May
2025 18:30
Tragicomedy by Stefan KutzenbergerAdmission: 6:00 pm
Tickets: EUR 49,00 | reduced EUR 25,00
Ehemalige Synagoge
Who would have thought that Marika Rökk's body double was cast in a concentration camp? Or that Magda Goebbels and film star Lidia Baarova agreed to marry Joseph Goebbels over a glass of cognac while the theaters were being made “Jew-free”? Today, as then, the question arises: which side of history are you on, on stage and in the audience?
Drama & idea: Maxi Blaha and Karin Lischka
Music: Georg Buxhofer
Director: Karin Bares
Costumes: Julia Klug
Dramaturgy: Verena Humer
Choreography: Lukas Strasser
Historical collaboration: Ilse Korotin, Gabriele Enderle-Burcel, Oliver Rathkolb